Google March core

Google March Core Update 2024: 3 Things to Avoid!

Google recently released the algorithm update aka Google March Core Update 2024.

The update is sweeping hundreds and thousands of websites from the SERP(Search Engine Result Page) within this month.

There are various reasons for Google to execute these actions strictly, causing pain in the butt of many so-called bloggers.

Google March Core Update 2024 Results

Google March Core Update 2024 Results:

This is the main prime example of the Google Algorithm hits.

The screenshots were taken by one of my friends, who was testing his website publishing the content written by AI.

3 Main Reasons Behind Google March Core Update 2024

Let me break down the exact reasons behind these March Core Update 2024;

#1. Thin Content Along AI Scrapped Content:

With the rise of AI Tools, like Chat GPT, Claude, etc. many article writers started to write the article using such tools.

To be frank, there should not be the problem of getting the information for oneself faster than ever.

However, the problem arises when those articles written by such AI tools scrapping the content from the top-ranked websites get published over and over again on the website.

March core update-thin

Same old articles just with certain paraphrased content is the major blogging mistake.

The end users were not satisfied with the results being provided by articles with minimal old information.

So, when Google March Core Update was released, thousands of websites were removed and de-indexed within just a minute from SERP.

#2. Exploitations of Expired Domains:

Expired domain exploitations are the main cause and the problem behind such traffic downtrend hits by Google.

When people started to buy numbers of expired domains and re-routed by redirecting to their website completely based on their niche.

The traffic of their websites was skyrocketing until Google March Core Update.

March core update-exploitations of expired

For example; Mr.John owns the travel niche website but, buying expired domains from the finance or health niche is completely irrelevant from his niche website and redirects the link juices to his website.

#3. Abuse of Site Reputations:

Well, this one is interesting though.

Have you seen articles mostly based on transactional intent keyword articles being ranked by the top authority websites?

You do, right? This phenomenon has continued for many years, but now Google has strictly undergone this practice to get in control.

Abuse of site reputations:

For example: Some top-level domain authority websites, for instance with DA (Domain authority over 90) publish the articles just because they get the commission splits through affiliate marketing being out of their niches.

If you want to know more, you can explore the article from Google itself about the March Core Update 2024.

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